Letter: I support Susan Funk
To the editor,
As a former City Clerk/Elections Official, it was necessary for me to keep my political preferences private. I no longer wear that hat. So I am throwing my new hat into the ring in support of Susan Funk for Atascadero City Council! Susan’s intelligence is matched by the depth and unbiased manner in which she researches all sides of an issue. This open-minded thoroughness is indispensable for those who would lead our city. Susan is an enthusiastic and energetic visionary with the ability to bring life to her visions. She does this by creating win-win situations for all parties involved… a must-have skill for city leaders who are faced with so many challenges that will affect our residents far into the future. I have worked with many City Councils over the course of my career. I have complete confidence that we couldn’t make a better choice than to vote Susan onto Atascadero’s City Council. Check out her website and see if you don’t agree with me: www.funkforcitycouncil.com.
Audrey Hooper