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Letter: Shocked to hear of councilman’s glowing reviews of former mayors 

To the editor,Letter to the editor

I was shocked to hear Bob Kelley’s glowing review of Mike Brennler and Ellen Beraud. Seriously? Brennler was a red-faced, finger-pointing, shout-down-the public kind of mayor. He scolded people who came to speak and would have them removed from a council meeting if they raised their voice or so much as rolled their eyes! Brennler and Beraud opposed the Atascadero Veteran’s Memorial and, along with George Luna, pushed through an unwanted creek setback ordinance that trampled over our property rights. Gratefully we, as a community, rose up against it and collected enough signatures to overturn it. To top it off, they opposed Walmart at every turn. Perhaps had they not served we would have a thriving commercial center today. Now Kelley would have us believe that their endorsement of Nic Mattson is a plus. I say it disqualifies him. It looks like the hype surrounding the mayors who support Mattson is nothing more than people with their own self-serving agendas.

Suzie Anderson
Atascadero resident


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