Letter: Setting the record straight
To the editor,
–In response to Councilman Kelley’s very long letter let me briefly set the record straight on a very few issues: I questioned Nic Mattson’s commitment to serving as a future Mayor of Atascadero based upon his apparent lack of interest in what issues the council currently faces. Normally someone running for office attends these often long and tedious meetings as that’s the only way to have a good understanding of the issues. While I personally watch council meetings from my home, as do many local residents, by doing so I deprive the council and the public of direct input on issues during either public comment or when an issue opened up for the public to speak.
Virtually all of the candidates running for local office in the past attended council meetings, usually for up to a year or more before running. In my case, when I attend council meetings it is for a specific issue regarding an organization I represent but normally, I view it from home. The reason is simple, because I’m known and active in local politics, critics of Roberta have attempted to paint her as being a puppet controlled either by myself or others. Anyone who knows Roberta that such a charge is absurd, she has a mind of her own and uses it well, nevertheless critics seize on any excuse to disparage Roberta or anyone else in a similar situation. If I have questions of a council decision, I make it a point to follow-up and ask for clarification from several council members, including Roberta.
As for connections to ABA, the Republican Party of SLO County has made no contributions to any local candidate’s campaign and to my knowledge, never have we given money to “A Better Atascadero.” It’s easy to create phantom conspiracies and tie outside forces to whatever misfortune befalls you or your candidate but in this case, ABA is just a local group of Atascadero citizens who have pooled their money to support local candidates more effectively. Let me clearly state again, neither Roberta nor I have contributed any money whatsoever to ABA in 2016 nor have we attended any of their meetings nor in any way coordinated Roberta’s campaign with ABA, as Bob seems to imply. Roberta’s support has been widespread and deep among Atascadero residents as they know she is fair and listens to everyone while doing her homework on issues before the city council. I should know as much of our personal life revolves around her duties to the city and the demands it places upon anyone who runs for office.
Al Fonzi