Letter: My immune system works with no boosters or side effects
Dear covidians
– Since I was born a healthy child and have remained a healthy adult, I am sorry to report that I am averse to the unnatural ingredients found in the covid shot. The vile and dangerous components of the injection have no place in my bloodstream. I have the perfect vaccine which works with all variants with no side effects and no booster shots called my immune system.
So, my dear covidians, it is with great sorrow, deep in my healthy heart, that I cannot partake of your sacramental vaccine or engage in your ritualistic covid cult dances of masking or distancing or lockdowns. I am accurately informed, sane, and stopped believing in a bogeyman long ago. How tragic that so many have failed to achieve this basic level of maturity. Fortunately, I am not fit for your dystopian world of fatuous paranoia.
Have lots of hugs in the new year. Natural immunity is contagious.
Respectfully submitted,
August Salemi,
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