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Letter: I endorse Mark Dariz 

To the editor,

I endorse Mark Dariz for Atascadero City Council. Atascadero needs a council member of Mark’s caliber to achieve economic growth, jobs, a downtown we are proud of and a city our citizens are proud to live in.
Mark has served on the City Planning Commission since 2011, providing us his significant expertise as an Architect. When you discuss an issue with Mark, he engages in a thoughtful and comprehensive manner, finding practical solutions that benefit our City. As a business owner, Mark understands the complex issues of bringing business to Atascadero.

In addition to his many leadership accomplishments on the Planning Commission, working on our city’s problems, Mark led Atascadero Kiwanis to benefit our community

One example touched me directly: Fifth grade is the time that school children have a chance to choose and learn to play an instrument. For three years, Mark has led the Kiwanis Club to send 400 Atascadero fifth graders to a special Kid’s Symphony Concert by SLO Winds Orchestra.

Mark is a good listener, open-minded and a natural collaborator for all issues. He will solve the tough problems in Atascadero. Vote Mark Dariz – Atascadero City Council.

Ann Berry-Gallegos
President, Berry Integrated Marketing

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