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Letter: Diverse ideas don’t need to lead to conflict 

To the editor,

I was troubled by Ron Walters’ recent letter about the city council race written on behalf of “A Better Atascadero,” a support group for Republican candidates. It’s natural that even in this non-partisan office that organization would endorse the two Republican-affiliated candidates, who are running as a block. Their yard signs are often together, their personal and organizational donors are almost the same, their logos and placards were on the same float in the Colony Days parade and they appeared at the same booth there, they say similar things, etc.

What bothered me most is Walters’ implication that having someone outside this block who might introduce diverse ideas on the city council can only lead to conflict, and that what happened 10 years ago is bound to happen again. He seems to believe that only by having all city council members come from the same political perspective can the council get anything done peacefully.

Having only one point of view represented on the city council of any community is stifling to creativity and growth. No one party or political perspective has a monopoly on good ideas. Susan Funk is an independent thinker supported by Republicans, Democrats and Independents. She is dedicated to bringing fresh voices to the council AND to respectful treatment of everyone’s ideas. She is looking forward to working positively with existing and newly elected council members to tackle challenges together.

And Susan believes unopposed candidate Heather Moreno, who will be mayor, is sincere in her pledge to keep relationships civil. We do not have to revisit the mistakes and rancor of the past.

Linda Baker
Campaign Manager
Funk for City Council 2018


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About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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