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Letter: Atascadero politics is all about power and control 

Letter to the editor

–After reading Al Fonzi’s letter to the editor ‘Commitment makes a good mayor’ my jaw dropped and I had to go back and read it a couple of more times. Why do you ask? Well, enough is enough of the so called power players in Atascadero. I wasn’t going to bring this up, but here it is:

On May 23, 2016 I received an email from Al Fonzi, who is currently the chair of the Republican Central Committee, stating that his organization was “unanimous in its opposition” to Measure J the proposed 1/2% sales tax increase supported by San Luis Obispo Council of Governments.

Within the email Fonzi stated that, “supporting the measure will definitely result in not only a loss of support for a candidate during the November general election but may also lead to open opposition to Republicans who support it.” It also went on to say they were “naming council members in each city who had voted on the measure and branding them as Republicans who could not be trusted to defend the voters against Democratic party initiatives to raise taxes.”

Shortly after that I contacted Fonzi and inquired how his organization was going to handle any support for Tom O’Malley who is on the SLOCOG Board and is a supporter of Measure J? He suggested that we get together and discuss it and was wanting to know what my intentions were in regards to running for re-election since I was one of the few who voted no on the Measure J issue that was brought before the city council!

Well, we did meet sometime after that and once again I was asked what my intentions were for re-election. This was about 10 days prior to the close of the application period.

Much to my surprise, and not many things surprise me after 8 years on the council, it was suggested that I run not only for my council seat but maybe for mayor since there would probably be no support for O’Malley due to his support for Measure J. It was also indicated that if I did decide to run that funds would possibly be provided from the Republican party. I declined the request!

You ask why I now bring this up? Well this is Atascadero politics, all about power and control regardless of anything ethical or honest. Fonzi donated $150 to the O’Malley campaign and the Central Republican Committee endorsed Tom O’Malley. As far what funding may have been provided I do not know, but if it were provided it wouldn’t surprise me at all. And now we have Fonzi telling us all what a great candidate he is after declaring that he would not be endorsed because of his stance on Measure J. Fonzi was 100-percent correct when he stated “Republicans who could not be trusted.” It appears that most of them have taken that road!

This just make it very clear that there is an element in Atascadero whose primary goal is power and control for themselves. This is all more the reason why 6 former Mayor’s have endorsed Nicholas Mattson for Mayor.

Bob Kelley
Atascadero City Council Member and Former Mayor

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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