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Letter: Arnold sticks to her core principles 

To the editor, letter to the editor

–This is a letter in support of Debbie Arnold for re-election to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors. I have been very active with county government issues the last several years and have observed very closely the votes, statements, and other actions of the supervisors. Debbie has persistently and consistently applied her four core principles of her platform that she promised voters she would do if elected.

Those principles are:

1) Hold government accountable by eliminating programs that don’t work;
2) Promote a healthy local economy that creates jobs;
3) Protect our open space and rural way of life;
4) Make fire protection and sheriff patrols top priorities.

Mining and railroads are a part of healthy local economy that creates jobs. Protecting property owners’ rights to water from government takeover by a water district is protecting open space and private property rights. The children’s bill of rights was an attempt by certain groups to have government agencies supersede parental rights. This would destroy families.

Debbie’s demeanor, as compared to certain other board members, has been positive, pleasant, and respectful to all present. Would that all members of the board and other attendees at Board of Supervisors and other county government meetings were as well behaved as she.

I was a teacher in the Templeton School District when Eric Michielessen was also a teacher there. I remember he left to go into the real estate business with another teacher, who also left teaching. I also remember they were buy, developing, and flipping properties in the local area..

Gary L. Kirkland
Atascadero resident 


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About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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