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Letter: A vote for Fareed is a vote for Trump 

To the editor,

A vote for Justin Fareed is a vote for the Republican positions on every issue. Fareed will vote to privatize Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid, a Republican goal. He will vote to overturn the Affordable Care Act including pre-existing conditions, another Republican promise. He supports tax cuts for the rich, ballooning our deficit by trillions. He supports the racist immigration policies of Trump demonizing immigrants and putting children in private prisons. He supports ending legal immigration from Trump’s “S-hole” countries. He supports the misogyny of Trump who calls women dogs and pigs and mocks victims of sexual assault. He supports Trump, who openly calls people of color low IQ, stupid and ugly. He supports the assault on our free press and journalists here at home and abroad. He supports Russia’s interference in our elections. Fareed supports these policies and the sexist and racist behaviors of Trump and the Republican Party. He is an “All-in” Republican. Fareed will vote to support the greed, racism, hate, and misogyny of Trump who is the heart and soul of the Republican Party. A vote for Fareed is a vote for Trump and vote against democracy.

Christine Granados
Morro Bay



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