Justin Fareed raises more than $200,000 in third quarter
– Congressional Candidate Justin Fareed raised an additional $200,000 in the third quarter, bringing his total campaign contributions to nearly $500,000. He is running for the seat currently held by Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara). She is retiring.

Justin Fareed
“I am honored and humbled to receive the unwavering trust from our community and throughout the Central Coast,” said Fareed. “Our campaign would not be possible without the generous support and commitment from voters throughout California Congressional District 24.”
The amount of Fareed’s contributions has increased as his campaign has progressed: The 1st quarter ended with $102,000, with an additional $118,000 coming in the 2nd quarter, and a record of more than $200,000 coming in the 3rd quarter.
“During the long months ahead, we must continue to fight for our district. We must continue to work hard and promote individual freedoms and economic advancements in this county, state, and nation. We must be bold and committed, but most importantly, we must strive to present this campaign as the voice of the future.”