Inmates create baby quilts to help local families
Nonprofit was gifted quilts, bibs and beanies for babies
–The Women’s Honor Farm donated more than 120 baby quilts, 100 bibs, and 50 baby beanies made by the inmates to San Luis Obispo Alpha. Patti Fox, the Executive Director of San Luis Obispo ALPHA accepted the handcrafted items.
San Luis Obispo Alpha, Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing support, practical assistance during pregnancy through a child’s first year, and education on pregnancy and early parenting. Alpha’s free services include classes and support groups as well as necessary items for pregnancy and early child care. Alpha is committed to strengthening families and providing a healthy and safe start to San Luis Obispo County’s infants.
“We serve about 500 families a year countywide so you can imagine the blankets we distribute. This is a wonderful program for the women to participate in and feel like they are making a difference,” said Patti Fox, Executive Director.
The Women’s Honor Farm Sewing Program began in 2013. It has grown and flourished over the past three years with many donations which include over 1000 quilts, afghans, scarves, beanies, super capes, and teddy bears. All of the items are made from donated materials and fabrics. Various organizations in the community receive the handcrafted items made by the inmates. In turn, the inmates feel the satisfaction of giving back to their community and a sense of compassion and caring many have never experienced before.
“This program is designed to work on the heart, the human element. Sewing the quilts for the newest members of our community has been a rewarding experience for the female inmates and helps them feel connected. The baby quilts allowed the women who cannot be with their own children to help someone else’s children,” said Senior Correctional Deputy Lisa Piotrowski.