Hundreds enjoy ‘Ice Cream Zoofari’ at Charles Paddock

Gary Brill providing music.
Annual event returns to the zoo
-Hundreds of people turned out Saturday night for the 49th Annual Ice Cream Zoofari at the Charles Paddock Zoo in Atascadero. Ice Cream and toppings galore enhanced the experience of visiting the zoo in the late afternoon in Atascadero Lake Park.

An entrance line formed in the parking lot for the popular event.
Gary Brill played appropriate animal music like, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” Boy Scouts volunteered to replenish the supplies of ice cream as people poured into the zoo.For the price of entry, people got all the ice cream they could eat. Tables were set up through out the zoo where volunteers scooped ice cream for children and adults. The event is a fundraiser for the programs and facilities at the Charles Paddock Zoo.
Zoo Director Alan Baker said, “The weather cooperated this year. It was a beautiful evening at the Charles Paddock Zoo. The animals enjoyed it as much as the visitors.”