Holiday wishes from City Manager Rachelle Rickard
News from the City
By City Manager Rachelle Rickard
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all
–Well, I find that it’s time once again for my monthly newsletter article, and honestly, I just don’t know what more can be said about this past tumultuous year of pandemic and the numerous effects it’s had on our community and residents.
I could remind everyone to follow the State and local safety guidelines, but I know by now that we all are doing everything we must do in order to help keep our friends, family members, loved ones and our entire community safe, so I will only say, please continue to do so.
What is in my heart right now is really very simple. I wish a very happy holiday season and merry Christmas to all. I wish for every resident of our community to stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong, and continue to be kind. My sincerest wish, most heartfelt hope, earnest dream, and deeply held conviction for the 2020 holiday season is that 2021 will truly be a much, much better year for us all.
Please, take good care and have a safe, happy, as wonderful as it can be, COVID-free holiday and New Year!
If you’d like, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].