Highway 41 closure planned for Hot El Camino Cruise Nite

Hot El Camino Cruise Nite in Atascadero.
30th annual event slated for Aug. 18
– The public will encounter closures during the 30th Annual Hot El Camino Cruise Nite in Atascadero on Friday, Aug. 18 from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
State Route 41 will be closed in both directions from US 101 to El Camino Real. The northbound US 101 off-ramp will be closed to State Route 41. Through traffic on State Route 41 will be detoured via Curbaril Avenue and Santa Ysabel Avenue.
Signage will be in place notifying the public of these road closures.
Road information and updates can also be found on Caltrans District 5 social media platforms: Twitter at: @CaltransD5, Facebook at: Caltrans Central Coast (District 5) and Instagram at: @Caltrans_D5.
CHP Traffic Incident Information Page: http://cad.chp.ca.gov
Traveler information at: https://quickmap.dot.ca.gov/