Hanukkah celebration to return to downtown San Luis Obispo
Celebration start Sunday, Nov. 28
– The SLO Jewish community will continue its annual tradition of lighting the public menorah outside the Old Mission of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa each night of Hanukkah at 5 p.m. starting Sunday, Nov. 28 until Sunday, Dec. 5. All members of the SLO community are invited to join us to celebrate.
The first night’s candle will be lit by new San Luis Obispo Mayor Erica Stewart. First night of Hanukkah festivities at the Mission will include making candy menorahs, Hanukkah sweets and treats, dreidel spinning contests, prayers, songs, and fun.
Nights two through eight will be led by various area congregations and Jewish organizations and representatives. A schedule will be made public with the leaders for each night’s candle-lighting. The sixth night is “Youth Night” and area families are encouraged to attend and be together with other local youths.
For those who cannot attend the candle lighting ceremony, the JCC will be live-streaming the event on the JCC-Federation of SLO Facebook page each night. We encourage community members to participate in any way they feel comfortable.
The menorah lighting will be a COVID responsible event. The JCC and event attendees will follow all County of San Luis Obispo Health Department COVID guidelines.
Contact the JCC at [email protected] or (805) 426-5465 for questions. Or for more information, visit https://www.jccslo.com/hanukkah.html.