Free drive-through community shred event set for May 21
Event happening at Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary post
– Residents in Atascadero and neighboring communities are invited to safely and securely dispose of old documents and paperwork at a free drive-thru community shred event on Saturday, May 21 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) 2814 located at 9555 Morro Road in Atascadero.
Hosted by the VFW Auxiliary 2814, this second year of the event will again be a drive-through format where participants can remain in their vehicle to drop off items to be shredded. Professional staff with Santa Maria-based Shred 2 You will be on hand to handle the drop-off and shredding. Only paper will be accepted, so please no electronics, cellphones, or batteries. The service is free and cash donations to the VFW 2814 are gladly accepted. The suggested donation is $5 per banker box.
Members of the community are also invited to park and enjoy breakfast at the VFW the same day from 9-11 a.m. Auxiliary members will be preparing and serving a homemade pancake breakfast for $9 with proceeds benefiting VFW 2814.
For more details on the Shred Event, Breakfast at the VFW, other public events at VFW 2814, or becoming a post or auxiliary member, email us at [email protected], visit or follow on Facebook @VFW2814 or @VFWAuxiliary2814.