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Five former Atascadero mayors endorse candidate 


Nelson, Brennler, Clay, Kelley, and Beraud endorse newcomer

–Five former Atascadero mayors, Ellen Beraud, Jerry Clay, Mike Brennler, Bob Kelley, and Rolfe Nelson joined together Saturday in endorsing political newcomer Nicholas Mattson as the next Mayor of Atascadero. Mattson will face the incumbent for Atascadero Mayor, Tom O’Malley, and candidate Ann Ketcherside in November.

“I am humbled and impressed by this act of unification,” Mattson said. “When I came back to Atascadero in 2006, I watched as the community was divided over issues and to this day you can still see evidence of that divide within the community. The fact that these leaders are willing to endorse me together is inspirational.”

Registered as a voter with “no party affiliation,” Mattson says has no built-in political motives. “I’m happy to sit down and talk about issues concerning Atascadero with anyone who has a vested interest in our city,” Mattson said. “I recently met with San Luis Obispo County Democratic Party member Eric Michiellsen, and separately with SLO County Republican Party Chairperson Al Fonzi. I want to know how best to serve Atascadero, and believe that people hold the answers to that, regardless of party affiliation.”

As the only one of the five endorsees currently sitting on the Atascadero City Council, Kelley has an inside look at the current issues facing Atascadero, and gave a strong endorsement for the mayoral challenger. “I support Nic Mattson for the next Mayor of Atascadero,” Kelley said. “Nic will bring a younger perspective to Atascadero and will protect the rural lifestyle that we all enjoy and secure that lifestyle for future generations.” Kelley has served eight years on the Atascadero City Council, and eight years on the Planning Commission.

“Please join me in securing the future of Atascadero for our next generations and vote for Nic Mattson for Mayor,” Kelley said. “He’s a choice that we all will be proud of. Along with myself, four other former Mayors endorse Nic Mattson for Mayor of Atascadero. Nic will bring all of Atascadero together and secure the future of Atascadero for the next generations.”

As one of the original city council members after the city’s incorporation in 1979, Nelson served alongside Atascadero’s first Mayor Bob Wilkins, with George Highland, Bill Stover, and Marge Mackey. Mattson was a year old at the time, and both Nelson and Mattson watched the city grow up for almost 40 years since then — they share a broad perspective, strong personal values, and a similar vision.

“Although I respect and appreciate our current Mayor’s long-standing service, I honestly feel that it is a time for change at City Hall,” Nelson said. “I have many reasons, but mostly I believe that Nic brings a balanced and non-political approach to decision-making. He is very bright and will help lead the city towards economic independence and a safe and vibrant place to raise children, but meet the needs of its citizens including the needs of our senior citizens.” Nelson has worked with Mattson on the Atascadero Greyhound Foundation and the Lighthouse Committee since early 2014.nicformayor-_2016-4edited

“I have gained tremendously through my relationship with Rolfe Nelson,” Mattson said. “His dedication to the community of Atascadero is something I admire and strive to carry on. His support during my campaign reminds me that people still care about principles more than personal gain. His advice to be true to myself beyond political pressures and bad politics is a guiding light.”

Mattson’s work as the sports editor of the Atascadero News and Paso Robles Press put him into the public eye, and Brennler says he watched closely. “I am pleased to endorse Nic Mattson for Mayor,” Brennler said. “Having spoken to Nic about the challenges and promise facing Atascadero, I find him to be thoughtful, respectful and enthusiastic in his vision for our community…In the past several years, I have often seen how Nic has interacted with people in his role as a journalist. I have seen him interview coaches as well as young kids who aspire to be good athletes and citizens. I noted how these interactions made these young athletes smile and feel great pride in their accomplishments and their community. Nic is a great family man and he’s also a good role model.”

Beraud says she knows first hand how divisive politics can be for those working for the best interest of the community. “It’s time to change leadership to a younger set of ideals to benefit all generations living in Atascadero,” Beraud said. “Nic has come back to his hometown to give his youthful energy to help Atascadero move forward and unite citizens for positive change…He has interacted with many segments of our community and will be a strong voice for families who want to preserve our high quality of life and enrich our children’s opportunities.”

Mattson stated from the onset of his campaign that preserving the quality of life and small-town charm of Atascadero works hand-in-hand with his vision for economic vitality. “Taking an innovative approach to city planning with outside-the-textbook thinking is our way of defining ourselves within a quickly developing Central Coast,” Mattson said. “Earning the endorsement of five former Mayors who have served our community selflessly is a strong vote of confidence that I can lead our community to a future of vitality.”

“Just like the progress we have made with the Atascadero Printery Building,” Mattson said, “you will find that my special skill set produces surprising results. Without any interest from the City of Atascadero, the Atascadero Printery Foundation worked with the county to postpone a tax auction, and is working to repair and protect the building and at the same time take possession of the property. This was after years of complaints about the lack of interest in the building, and more than a decade of neglect by those legally responsible to protect and preserve it.”

Working as treasurer of the Atascadero Printery Foundation, Mattson began working to preserve an Atascadero historical treasure long before he decided to run for mayor.  “Nic has shown his strengths with the Atascadero Printery building which has stood vacant for nearly 15 years,” Atascadero Printery Foundation President Karen McNamara said. “He put out a passionate plea to save the building. Others joined in his vision and now the building is being boarded up and cared for properly, until it can be restored. Without the vision, a plan and belief that such a huge undertaking could be accomplished, the building would continue to be destroyed by vandals and the elements.nicformayor-_2016-15edited

I will never forget the crack in Nic’s voice as he stood before the council speaking of his love for the City of Atascadero and the people here. It is not just a sentiment, it is truly his belief that with good ideas and planning, the city will be a remarkable place to live and work. There is an old saying, ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish.’ This is so true of communities. They have to stand together, working with a strong leader with heart and insight, who inspires and listens. Nic Mattson is such a man.”

Without a foundation in one political party or another, and with two feet in Atascadero’s community landscape, Mattson says he has locked arms with community members for the greatest good. Mattson has given back to the community in various ways, including helping those suffering from addiction, giving to children in sports and education, supporting local businesses, preserving history, or promoting the need for an all-inclusive playground with nonprofit Parents For Joy Park. “I look forward to serving the City of Atascadero as the Mayor, and continuing to do my best for the whole of our community,” Mattson said.

For more information about Mattson and his campaign, visit, call (805) 466-4086 or email [email protected] or visit his Facebook at


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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