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Financial support available locally as state extends rent, utility relief 

housingEviction moratorium also extended through September

— Following the State of California’s extension of its COVID-19 eviction moratorium and rent relief program, the County of San Luis Obispo is encouraging tenants and landlords who have fallen behind on rent during the pandemic to apply for assistance. The state’s rent relief program allows eligible tenants and landlords to now receive up to 100-percent of past due rent and utilities dating back to April 1, 2020.

The online application process has been streamlined to encourage claims and local application assistance is now available through Five Cities Homeless Coalition, Salvation Army, and United Way.

“This assistance can help renters and landlords stay on top of their bills and in their homes as our community recovers from the pandemic,” said Assistant County Administrative Officer Rebecca Campbell. “We have local organizations here in SLO County ready to help with the application process. If you or your renters have fallen behind on rent during the pandemic, now is the time to
look into this program and apply if you are eligible.”

Residents are eligible to receive assistance for current or past due rent and utilities if their annual 2020 income was less than 80-percent of SLO County’s median income. Landlords may also apply for financial assistance to support income loss if their renters are income-eligible and payments are used toward payment relief dating back to April 1, 2020.

Eligible renters may also receive assistance for past due utilities even if they do not receive assistance for rent. This includes utilities and home energy costs that are billed separately (not included in rent) such as electricity, gas, water/sewer, trash removal, Internet service and fuel oil. Currently, 38-percent of residents in SLO County rent their home (2020 American Community Census).

While over $8.4 million in federal financial assistance and another $9.2 million in State financial assistance has been available for SLO County renters and landlords to claim since March 2021, only 242 applications have been submitted in SLO County, requesting just over $4.5 million in rent and utility recovery.

Residents may apply for rent and/or utility relief online at or schedule an application appointment by calling (833) 687-0967. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until Sept. 30, 2021 and priority assistance will be given to income eligible households most at risk of eviction. For information on the Rental Relief Program and COVID-19 assistance in SLO County, visit


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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