Empty Bowls fundraiser packs ABC Church in Atascadero

Sheriff Ian Parkinson with Atascadero Police Department’s Chief Jerel Haley, and ECHO Homeless Shelter’s President and CEO Wendy Lewis, at the 2019 Empty Bowls fundraiser.
–The 4th Annual Empty Bowls fundraiser packed Atascadero Bible Church Thursday.
This year, the El Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) fundraiser included $25 bowls of soup and bread donated from local restaurants. Each guest selected his or her own bowl donated by local potters and schools. Attendees got to take the bowls home with them.
Echo CEO Wendy Lewis said lunch brought in hundreds of people and the online reservations for dinner equaled those for lunch. This year was the first year that dinner was added to the event.

Attendees at the 2019 Empty Bowls fundraiser get to choose from unique and handmade bowls to use, as well as to take home from the event. Photo from SLO County Sheriff’s Office Facebook.
Wendy Lewis said, “It was so nice to see the community turn out for ECHO and the people we serve. They really loved the soups.”
The El Camino Homeless Organization operates a homeless shelter across the street from Atascadero Bible Church. ECHO offers dinner, showers, sleeping quarters, and other services for those in need in the North County.