DUI checkpoint scheduled in San Luis Obispo
Purpose of the checkpoint is to promote public safety
– The San Luis Obispo Police Department and the California Highway Patrol will conduct a driving under the influence and driver’s license checkpoint on Friday, March 14, from 8 p.m. to midnight at a location within city limits.
Checkpoint locations are determined based on data related to impaired driving crashes. The purpose of the checkpoint is to promote public safety by removing suspected impaired drivers from the road.
“Everyone needs to make a plan about how they will get to where they are going before they start drinking. Waiting until after drinking to make a plan about how to get home often results in taking unnecessary risks,” Sgt. Joshua Walsh said. “Any prevention measures that deter impaired persons from driving improves traffic safety for everyone.”
Law enforcement officials remind the public that impairment is not limited to alcohol. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications can affect a person’s ability to drive. While medicinal and recreational marijuana are legal, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal.
Drivers charged with a first-time DUI face an average of $13,500 in fines and penalties and a suspended license.