District Attorney responds to controversy around Andrew Holland’s death
–District Attorney Dan Dow’s response to the recently released video and news coverage regarding Andrew Holland’s death.
It is the long-standing county legal policy for every jail death to be investigated by Sherriff Coroner detectives, not the District Attorney’s office. However, in April of 2017, at the request of Sheriff Parkinson, my office conducted an investigation into the Apri1 13. death of Mr. Kevin McLaughlin, and the FBI launched an investigation into the death of Mr. Holland. Since the FBI currently has asserted federal jurisdiction over the Holland case and conducting an active investigation, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the details of this case.
The loss of Andrew Holland is tragic. No parent should ever have to bury their child, at any age, for any reason. The County has taken important measure to better serve inmates with mental illness. The Sheriff established a mental health task force and the Board of Supervisors has now finally transferred to the Sheriff the supervision of all medical and mental health staff in the jail. It is my sincere desire that we continue to improve our jail system so that other families do not have to go through the heartache of losing a loved one while in the county’s custody.