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Cunningham legislation to boost career tech education passes first committee 

Assemblymember-Cunningham-Speaks-at-Press-Conference-on-AB-445- AB 445 Sets Aside $300 Million in Funding for Public School Career Tech Training

Wednesday, Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham (R-Templeton) announced his legislation to improve California’s Career Technical Education system was approved by the Assembly Education Committee with bipartisan support. AB 445 will create a path for young Californians to get jobs in the trades by creating a dedicated funding stream for K-12 career training programs.

“There are 5.5 million job openings in America and many of those do not require a college degree,” said Assemblyman Cunningham. “The goal of public education is to give every child a chance to succeed. Career Technical Education will be the path to success for countless kids, and my bill ensures funding for these programs in our schools.”

Assembly Bill 445, which is jointly authored by Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach) — the Chair of the Assembly Education Committee and former teacher — would ensure reliable funding through a $300 million annual Career Technical Education grant program. The grant program will help schools provide up-to-date classes for California’s rapidly-changing job market. The state would incur no new spending due to the extension of the CTE funding. Instead it would prioritize existing education funds to continue to benefit CTE programs.

“Career technical education ensures that California students have multiple paths to success and can be full participants in our economy,” said Assemblyman O’Donnell, Chair of the Assembly Education Committee. “Supporting programs that equip students with the skills to compete in our new globalized economy is essential to building a stronger middle-class.”

What local and industry leaders are saying:

“To grow a strong manufacturing company, which sells products worldwide, we need skilled manufacturing technicians and support staff. These positions do not require a 4-year degree, but they do require more than most high school programs provide.”

-Ty Safreno, CEO and Chief Technology Officer at Trust Automation of San Luis Obispo

“CTE Pathways provide opportunities for businesses and educators to partner in competitions so that students practice leadership and see opportunity and businesses see a strong local talent pipeline.”

-Michael Specchierla, Director at San Luis Obispo Partners in Education

“I support the strengthening of workforce programs through AB 445 because the success of business in California lies in preparing students to navigate the complex digital cyber world. Computer technology jobs in this growing sector require a strategic investment in technology curriculum.”

-Peter K. Kardel, CEO at Clever Ducks of San Luis Obispo

“One of the biggest challenges facing California manufacturers is finding enough skilled workers for our highly paid, yet often technical positions. AB 445 will help students take advantage of the growing manufacturing economy in California.”

-Nicole Rice, California Manufacturers and Technology Association

“When you enter the constructions trades, you are already working. You are earning a living wage. We want to make sure kids have access to these courses in high school so they can get a taste of that world of work; so they can graduate high school and start earning a living.”

-Jeremy Smith, State Building & Construction Trades Council of California

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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