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COVID-19: County superintendent of schools gives an update 

Update-from-slo-county-superitendent-of-schools 3-22-2020

James Brescia, San Luis Obispo County Superintendent of Schools


James Brescia, San Luis Obispo County Superintendent of Schools gave an update to the community Sunday afternoon:

Hello, I’m James Brescia, San Luis Obispo County Superintendent of Schools.  I understand that these are unprecedented times in the history of our country and I want to thank you for your flexibility, patience, and dedication to our community.

My office will be providing regular updates to the community on Twitter, the county office website, and YouTube. In keeping with the governor‘s request, all schools in San Luis Obispo County will continue to maintain essential services.

I am participating in daily briefings with the department of education, the governor’s office, and our office of emergency services. All school districts, charters, Cuesta, and Cal Poly are participating in daily briefings with my office, related to schools. My office is briefing all private schools, parochial schools, and childcare centers

Please join me in thanking our first responders, public and essential-sector employees. These dedicated public- and private-sector individuals are doing what is needed to keep our community safe and functioning. All school distircts, charters, Cuesta and Cal Poly, have established food distribution networks throughout the county.

Administration, business services, maintenance, and operations, continue to perform essential duties on-site with social distancing.  All educational agencies in our county are in various stages of establishing distance-learning platforms to meet the needs of our students. Our school counselors and county counselors have been in regular communication with our school communities.

We anticipate mobilizing our first emergency childcare center to serve first responders next week and scale services as needed.

I would like to conclude with aa quote from Mother Teresa: “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

The patience, positive attitudes, joint efforts and human compassion we demonstrate for one another, is what will see us through this situation.

Please visit for current information from our county. It is an honor to serve as your county superintendent of schools. Thank you.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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