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COVID-19 antibody positive test rate is less than 1-percent on Central Coast, blood bank reports 


Recovered COVID-19 individuals encouraged to register to become convalescent plasma donors

–Vitalant, the region’s local blood bank, announced Thursday that in support of pandemic response and preparedness efforts, it became the first U.S. blood services provider to release COVID-19 antibody-positive rates of more than 250,000 blood donors for June through July 2020, including those in the Central Coast Region. Those with a positive diagnostic or antibody test result are encouraged to consider registering to become a convalescent plasma donor and potentially help patients fight the disease.

On June 1, 2020, Vitalant was the first national blood services provider to begin testing all blood donations for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The testing helps to identify donors who could help COVID-19 patients by becoming future convalescent plasma donors.

More than 250,000 total donors were tested, with an overall positive antibody rate of 2.26 percent in July, up from 1.37 percent in June. Vitalant’s blood service area based out of Montvale, New Jersey had the highest prevalence in July with 7.65 percent while Rapid City, South Dakota had the lowest in July at 0.64 percent. In the Central Coast area, positive antibody rates were .91 percent in July and .49 percent in June.

“We are pleased to share our data to assist ongoing response and preparedness efforts,” said Ralph Vassallo, M.D., chief medical and scientific officer at Vitalant. “We will continue antibody testing all blood donations for the foreseeable future to help identify convalescent plasma donors and meet the emergent need.”

Convalescent plasma

Plasma is the liquid, antibody-rich part of blood. Collected from recovered patients, this convalescent plasma has been used to treat the sick for more than 100 years and may give patients an immune system boost to fight disease. In April 2020, Vitalant began collecting and distributing convalescent plasma from those recovered from COVID-19.

“Although there are ongoing discussions regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization for convalescent plasma, we believe its risk-benefit profile is favorable, and plasma may be effective in hospitalized patients,” Vassallo continued. “Vitalant supports evidence-based decision-making and will continue to advocate for randomized trials to prove its efficacy and identify appropriate recipients. In the meantime, our focus remains on helping to save lives.”

“Convalescent plasma donations are being distributed at a rapid clip – and we need to collect for immediate needs, as well as to be prepared for a second wave of infections,” said Cliff Numark, chief of marketing and senior vice president of donor services. “Vitalant’s goal is to double donations in the coming weeks and months and that is why we ask those who have recovered to help current patients in need.”

Blood donors with a COVID-19 positive diagnostic or antibody test result can register to give convalescent plasma by visiting or calling 866-CV-PLSMA (866-287-5762). Donations can be made every 28 days or more frequently—up to every seven days—with Vitalant medical director approval.

Giving blood is an essential activity

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Blood and platelet donations are needed throughout this pandemic to help trauma victims, cancer patients and others with serious medical conditions.

The U.S. Surgeon General and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated blood donation as an essential activity, encouraging healthy and eligible donors to continue to donate during the COVID-19 pandemic. From coast to coast, all Vitalant donation centers and blood drives continue to deploy strict precautionary measures to ensure the safety of donors, patients and staff, including:

  • Taking donors’ temperatures upon check-in (staff self-monitor their temperatures)
  • Requiring face masks or cloth-based face coverings (donors and staff)
  • Disinfecting donor-touched and other high-touch areas often and after every donation
  • Ensuring social distancing to keep donors and staff safe

About Vitalant

Vitalant (“Vye-TAL-ent”) is the nation’s largest independent, nonprofit blood services provider exclusively focused on providing lifesaving blood and comprehensive transfusion medicine services for approximately 1,000 hospitals and their patients across 40 states. Every day, Vitalant needs to collect about 5,500 blood and platelet donations to help save lives. For more information and to schedule a donation appointment, visit or call (877) 258-4825).

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About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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