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Construction project will have traffic impacts on Atascadero Mall 

–This week, construction to bore a new sewer line underneath Highway 101 has begun and will affect traffic patterns on Atascadero Mall between Ardilla Avenue and Atascadero Avenue.

A work zone for the project is set up at the intersection of Atascadero Mall and Ardilla Avenue, near the pedestrian tunnel crossing US 101 in front of Atascadero Bible Church (ABC).  A temporary detour will route through-traffic traveling from Atascadero Avenue to Ardilla onto the other side of the center median, to create two-way traffic on the west side of the median (ECHO side). The east side of the median will be closed to through traffic but will maintain access to ABC, North County Christian School, and the pedestrian tunnel. However, the east side of the Atascadero Mall will also require two-way to allow vehicles to exit from ABC and North County Christian School.

Motorists are being encouraged to pay close attention to the detour and to plan for a little extra time if travel through the area is necessary. Large trucks, trailers, and recreational vehicles should use alternative routes due to the tight, constrained conditions at the intersection of Atascadero Mall and Ardilla Avenue. It is expected that this project will be completed in late April/early May.

For any questions regarding this project, please contact the Atascadero Public Works Department at (805) 470-3456.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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