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Construction begins for wastewater lift station improvement project 

Construction begins for wastewater lift station improvement

– Construction has commenced for the Lift Station #13 and Force Main Replacement Project in Atascadero.

The project, overseen by the City of Atascadero, involves replacing Lift Station #13, located on El Camino Real near San Ramon Road, along with approximately two miles of force main along a new alignment on Santa Cruz Road and Traffic Way. Additionally, pavement rehabilitation is slated for about one mile of Traffic Way between Carrizo Road and Chico Road.

This initiative aims to enhance the city’s wastewater collection system by upgrading the lift station and force main, both of which are nearing maximum capacity. Construction began Apr. 9 and is expected to wrap up in early spring 2025. Hartzell General Engineering Contractor is the project contractor, with construction management and inspection services provided by Filippin Engineering.

A lift station, also known as a pump station, is a crucial component of a wastewater collection system. It’s designed to lift sewage from a lower to a higher elevation, where the flow can continue by gravity or be pumped to a treatment facility.

The installation of the new force main is set to commence on Monday, Apr. 22, utilizing directional boring to minimize traffic impacts by reducing the need to trench through the roadway surface. Work will kick off at the south end of the project near the intersection with Orillas Way before progressing northward.

During boring operations on Traffic Way between Orillas Way and Potrero Road, traffic will be reduced to a single lane within the limits of the current work zone, which is restricted to one block at a time. As construction moves north of Potrero Road, Traffic Way will be closed one block at a time to through traffic to expedite construction and mitigate overall impacts, with detour routes established.

While residents and businesses on Traffic Way will maintain access to their driveways throughout the project, they may encounter delays during certain construction phases.

Pavement reconstruction on Traffic Way between Chico Road and Carrizo Road is part of the project and is scheduled to occur during the school summer break.

The City of Atascadero appreciates the community’s patience during this vital project. For further information or inquiries, individuals can contact the Public Works Department at (805) 470-3456 or via email at [email protected].



About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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