Community turns out for annual Atascadero Lakefest

Kids’ boat race winners. Photos by Richard Mason.
Event hosted by Friends of the Atascadero Lake
– Lakefest returned to Atascadero Lake Park Saturday with dozens of booths and lots of activities for kids and adults. The event is put on by Friends of the Lake. Nancy Hair says the intent is to get people out to enjoy the lake in a variety of ways.
The LINK Family Resource Center put on Children’s Day at the Park with dozens of booths.

Winning boat and family.
A fishing derby attracted a number of enthusiasts. 15-year-old Aleena Ortega caught the largest fish. She caught an 8 pound, 8 ounce trout. Her brother also caught a nice trout. Aleena says was fishing on the bank between the Pavilion and the Bandstand.
There were cardboard canoe races for adults and kids. The kids’ canoes were made of cardboard and duct tape at the lake shortly before the race.
The winner of the kids race was Ben Grenniger of Templeton. He named his water craft, “Uno.” Noah Hendricks was second in “Burgundy.” Judith Nickerson of Atascadero finished third in “God Uses Waves.”
Atascadero Mayor Heather Moreno served as one of the judges of the adult canoes, which were evaluated for their creativity and other elements.
The event was produced by the Friends of the Atascadero Lake.
-By Richard Mason