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City seeking bands for summer concert series 

concerts in the parkDeadline to apply is Friday, Jan. 27

– The City of Atascadero’s Recreation Division is once again looking for performers for the Saturday in the Park Summer Concert Series. The current proposed concert series will consist of eight concerts from June 17 through Aug. 26 and will be held at the Atascadero Lake Park’s Bandstand from 6:30-8:30 p.m. All concerts are free to the public.

The concert series had an average attendance of over 500 at all concerts for the past 20 years and the city plans to increase participation in 2023.

The city is currently accepting applications from bands for the series. Applicants are asked to complete and return the application that is included along with a labeled demo CD, USB drive or an EPK, a band photograph, and any relevant press and history on your band.

Applications and band information must be received no later than Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, at 5 p.m. in order to have the concert line-up secured and advertising material out in a timely manner. Late applications will not be accepted.

Advertising for the 2023 series will consist of the following:

  • Concert series banner – Listing only performance dates, times, and presenting sponsor information; to be displayed on Highway 41 at the entrance to the Atascadero Lake Park.
  • Concert series posters – Band names along with performance dates, times, and sponsor information will appear on all posters; to be distributed to local businesses throughout the community.
  • Concert series website – Band names, photos, members, and history along with performance dates, times, and sponsor information will appear on the promotional website hosted by the City at
  • Other website listings – Band names, photos, performance dates, times, and sponsor information will appear on and media websites including New Times and KSBY.
  • Press releases and social media pages – Band names, performance dates, and times will be sent in weekly press releases to all local media, including KSBY, The Tribune, KCOY, New Times & Atascadero News. The series will also be promoted across city-owned social media pages for the city, recreation department, and Visit Atascadero.
  • Summer 2023 Atascadero Recreation Guide – Band names, photos, and history along with performance dates, and times, will be mailed city-wide.


Performance availability sheets will be emailed to each selected band and every effort will be made to accommodate requests for performance dates. All selected bands will be paid a one-time $400 performance stipend on the evening of the respective concert.

The city will provide an audio technician for each concert. The city is unable to honor requests to use personal/band audio systems. The audio technician will contact the bands prior to their performance regarding specific needs.

For questions, or for more information regarding the concert series, e-mail Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Fanning at [email protected] or call (805) 470-3426.


About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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