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City receives excellence award in budgeting 

atascadero city council meetingsAward recognizes agencies whose budget documents meet quality standards/requirements

– The City of Atascadero has again been honored with the Excellence Award in Budgeting from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) for the city’s 2021-2023 operating budget. The budget focuses on the Atascadero City Council’s and the community’s established priorities and considers those priorities for both the short and the long term.

“Once again, our city’s administrative services department has been recognized for producing superior quality financial documents,” said Mayor Heather Moreno. “We are very proud of the department for their continued outstanding efforts and the city’s ongoing commitment to responsible stewardship of public funds. Transparency is very important to our community and to our dedicated employees. Our finance team, led by director Jeri Rangel, puts in many hours of extremely hard work to prepare and present our budget in a manner that is accurate, clear, and easily accessible, to ensure complete transparency to everyone in our community.”

“It truly was a coordinated team effort that made this award possible, which includes staff from every city department, our council members and the finance committee, together with all of the members of our community who participated in the D-20 public meeting process,” City Finance Director Jeri Rangel says.

The awards program is designed to recognize those agencies whose budget documents meet certain statewide standards and requirements considered to be of the highest quality. The award represents significant accomplishment by a government and its leadership in meeting high standards and setting an example by encouraging others in their efforts to achieve and maintain an appropriate standard of excellence.

Founded in 1957, the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers is a statewide organization serving all California municipal finance professionals. Visit for more information about the organization.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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