City of Morro Bay awards grant to Art Center Morro Bay

The Russell Gallery upstairs at Art Center Morro Bay. Photo by Ruth Ann Angus.
Art center was looking for grants to help with the loss of revenue during pandemic
– The Morro Bay Art Association has announced that it has received a $5000 grant from the City of Morro Bay for Art Center Morro Bay. Pat Newton, president of the association, was glad to talk about the upcoming plans for the money.
“First of all,” she said, “I want to thank Scott Collins, Mayor John Headding, and the Committee for Covid Relief as well as the City Council for thinking about us for this grant money.”
Newton went on to explain that the art center was looking for grants to help with the loss of revenue occurring because of being shut down during COVID-19. “We didn’t meet the criteria for a federal grant,” Newton explained, “because we are not a museum, and we don’t do acting and are not a musical organization.” The art center didn’t meet any of the codes associated with the grants offered. “We fit the nonprofit part,” she said, “but not the codes. So, we are extremely grateful for this city grant.”
During the lockdown, the art center lost money much as many other shops and businesses did. Newton said they survived because they have good financial organization in place. “We put money aside for a rainy day and we always manage that way,” she said.
The art association owns the building on Main Street in downtown Morro Bay outright and carries no mortgage. They just have to pay taxes. While sheltering in place, however, their bills went up.
“Our contracts for marketing with advertisements went up,” Newton explained. “We budget up in thousands with many local publications and those businesses were also struggling. We had to look at what we really owed.” They contacted the publishers and asked to get a break on the marketing bills. Access Publishing, which produces the SLO Visitor’s Guide, agreed especially since they were skipping an issue during the pandemic. She says The New Times allowed lesser amounts due, which reduced their fees for 2021 but these fees are back to normal now. “We felt responsible for paying these businesses as best we could,” Newton said, “as we wanted to keep them afloat too.”
The art gallery was not open during shelter in place and artists were asked to leave their artwork in the gallery. “We let artists know that it was safe and turned the lights off and waited,” Newton said. In the background, they worked to see how to reopen, looking at what was required by law and what did Cal OSHA want them to do.
Even though this is a volunteer organization they still must follow the rules. “We ordered stickers for the floor and cleaning stuff,” she explained, “and talked to the cleaners that come once a week to be sure they do a thorough cleaning with products to keep everyone safe.” KN95 masks were given to the docents and paper masks were purchased to have on hand for anyone who might come in without a mask. They wanted to make sure everyone would be safe as possible. These necessary safety items increased the center’s costs. The stickers alone cost in the hundreds. Newton indicated that the public was generous with donations which helped.
Receptions for openings of new exhibits were also curtailed for a lengthy period but have now returned within guidelines. “In spite of everything we were still able to award scholarships to high school and college youth,” Newton said, “we donated over $10,000 for 2021.” During 2020 there was no Art in the Park either and this event is the large source for their yearly fundraising. In 2021 they had to cancel the first Art in the Park but were able to hold the remaining two.
Plans for the $5,000 funds are to take out old fluorescent lights in the gallery and replace them with LED lights that are more economical and earth-friendly. Good lighting is essential to best show off the artwork. The Ccnter has already replaced the lighting in the downstairs classrooms with LED lights thanks to receiving another grant. The cost for changing the lighting for the classrooms was $8000. “We are looking at a budget of $1500 for labor for removing old lights and putting in new in the gallery,” Newton said. New track lighting will go into the middle area and additional lights to emphasize the 3-d art.
There were no shows in 2021 but several are on the books for 2022 including the National Encaustic Show and National Pastel Exhibit. The local Painter’s Group, Central Coast Sculptures, and the Printmakers Group round out the year. Receptions will be outside on the patio. Art Exchange days are also outside.
“Visitors have been great coming into the gallery,” Newton said, “everyone accepts wearing a mask and we can give them a mask if they don’t have one. Even during Farmers Market, it has all been good.”
-By Ruth Ann Angus