City hosting public meeting regarding El Camino Real Corridor Plan

Colony Days
–The City of Atascadero is inviting residents, business owners, and visitors to attend the first public outreach event for the El Camino Real Corridor Plan this Saturday during Colony Days, Oct. 6 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., at the Historic City Hall (6500 Palma Ave.).
Atascadero’s El Camino Real corridor is the primary access to all of the community’s local shopping, services, the downtown area and the surrounding neighborhoods. The city is currently in the process of conducting an “El Camino Real Corridor Study,” which will serve as a guideline for the route’s commercial opportunities and transportation connections through town. The goal is to provide a blueprint to help guide El Camino Real into becoming more attractive for business, and safer for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles. This study is being funded by a grant received from Caltrans.
“PlaceWorks,” the firm selected by the city to complete the project, is in the process of gathering traffic data, analyzing land uses, and looking at numerous options to improve El Camino Real and the surrounding properties. The city is looking at zoning along with transportation planning for the corridor to see where there are options for improvement.
The goal is to be able to grow Atascadero’s employment and economy, balance the need for both residential and commercial uses, and reduce the need for residents to travel out of town for services. A Market Assessment, which is being done concurrently with the study, will look at how El Camino Real currently performs on an economic level and will help to identify potential. By better understanding what the local economy can support, the city can focus on attracting the types of businesses that are needed and desired in the community.
The El Camino Real Corridor Plan is a collaborative effort, which will incorporate feedback from residents, business owners, city staff, and the city council. Public input throughout this planning process is key in developing a plan that reflects the vision of the Atascadero community.
If you are not able to visit us during Colony Days, submit your input by completing this online survey:
For additional information, contact the Atascadero Community Development Department at (805) 461-5000.