City holds groundbreaking ceremony for pavement rehabilitation road projects
–The City of Atascadero held an official groundbreaking ceremony recently to announce roadwork scheduled to begin on Monday, Sept. 16, for the 2019 F-14 Pavement Rehabilitation Road Projects. The city’s contractor, Souza Construction, has already started the preliminary work.
The work that will begin on Monday, Sept. 16 is anticipated to be completed by mid-December. This project includes work on the following streets:
o Balboa Road – Graves Creek Road to San Fernando Road
o Navarette Avenue – San Andres Avenue. to Santa Lucia Road
o Monterey Road – Campo Road to Del Rio Road
o Del Rio Road – Monterey Road to San Gregorio Road
o San Gregorio Road – Del Rio Road to Garcia Road
o Garcia Road – San Gregorio Road to Santa Cruz Road
The city and the contractor will keep affected residents apprised of the work schedule to the greatest extent possible, but delays should be expected during pavement reconstruction efforts. In particular, during full depth reconstruction and paving operations, Balboa Road and Navarette Avenue are expected to be closed to through traffic. Residents will be allowed to access their homes, but delays are to be expected.
Following is the work expected during the first two weeks of construction:
o 9/16-9/20: Culvert Replacements on Balboa Road.
o 9/23-9/27: Full Depth Reclamation on Balboa Road.
The Measure F-14 Sales Tax funding was approved by Atascadero voters in 2014. For more information, please contact Public Works at 805-470-3456.