City breaks ground on paving projects
The City of Atascadero had an official groundbreaking ceremony to start the paving projects of both Alamo Avenue and Honda Avenue yesterday.

The segments of roads that will be repaved.
The Alamo Avenue and the Honda Avenue Pavement Projects are each funded from the 2014 voter approved General Fund Measure F-14, which is being utilized for these two road projects to cover construction, consultant fees and other related costs.
Total project costs are estimated to be $40,000 for Alamo Ave. and another $40,000 for Honda Ave.
While the roads will be closed to through traffic during the project, access to all homes within the project area will be maintained at all times.
The paving of Alamo Avenue will begin first. Once the work starts, it will be completed within a couple of days. The work on Honda Avenue will begin once Alamo Avenue is finished.