City of Atascadero breaks ground on road rehabilitation projects
Measure F-14 road maintenance & rehabilitation projects kicked off last Friday
–The City of Atascadero has announced the start of two 2016-2017 road maintenance and rehabilitation projects, which were kicked off with official groundbreaking ceremonies on Friday with all five city council members in attendance. These new projects will be completed on sections of Arena Road, Yerba Avenue, San Vicente Avenue, Castano Avenue, San Andres Avenue, Cascabel Road, San Celemente Avenue, Los Gatos Road and Valle Avenue in Atascadero.
The road projects listed above are both funded from the 2014 voter approved General Fund Measure F-14, which is being utilized to cover construction, consultant fees and other related costs. R. Burke Construction was awarded a contract in the amount of $1,478,354 for the rehabilitation project, which will take place on San Andres, San Clemente, Cascabel, Los Gatos, and Valle. R. Burke also received the award for the maintenance project in the amount of $203,430 which will take place on Arena Road, Yerba Avenue, Castano and San Vicente.
While the affected roads will be closed to through traffic during these projects, access to all homes in the project area will be maintained at all times. The maintenance project should be completed within just a few weeks. The rehabilitation project is scheduled to begin in early October and is expected to take four to five months to complete.
For more information, please contact Nick DeBar, Director of the Public Works Department at (805) 470-3456, [email protected] or click on the list of Measure F-14 Road Projects: