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Chamber of commerce launches membership drive campaign 

chamber of commerce image

Image from Atascadero Chamber of Commerce.

‘Together, We Will Move Atascadero Forward’ runs through Sept. 30

– The Atascadero Chamber of Commerce has launched a “Together, We Will Move Atascadero Forward” membership drive. The campaign runs through Sept. 30, and aims to enhance support of the Atascadero businesses community by increasing chamber membership.

“A larger chamber organization means a stronger and more informed voice, enhanced services, and better networking for our members,” said Chamber CEO & President Josh Cross. “The chamber is the primary organization that works to promote our local economy. Programs, events, and small business resource assistance are the primary ways we can help grow your business while ensuring a positive economic environment in which to operate.”

Those who join during the campaign receive extra benefits:

  • 13 months of membership (one month free)
  • One additional E-Flyer distributed to over 3,000 recipients
  • One additional category listing on the chamber website
  • A Google Review
  • Inclusion in the 2023 Official Destination and Relocation Guide


Cost is $24 per month. Joining provides business and non-profit leaders, access to more than $1,400 in advertising opportunities as well as connections made through networking with the chamber’s nearly 600 current members, especially at chamber-hosted events. These events provide promotional opportunities as part of the chamber’s effort to deliver affordable marketing and promotional strategies that increase a business’ client base.

“When you participate in your local chamber, you join a network of nearly 600 local businesses providing opportunities for business alliances and access to potential clients,” said Chamber Director of Membership Julie Matthews. “The membership drive will conclude with a business walk on Sept. 28, in which members of the community and the chamber team will visit over 500 businesses in a two-hour period.”

The chamber also maintains a close watch on state and local legislation that affects businesses and converses with government officials to ensure business owners’ views are heard. It aims to actively seek new businesses that will improve the economic health of the Atascadero community.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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