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The Atascadero News Leader
Atascadero Performing Arts to present, ‘Love Letters’ Feb. 12
Tickets are $30 or $150 for a table –A.R. Gurney’s “Love Letters,” will be performed on Feb. 12 at Colony Inn Conference Center in Atascadero. Full Article
Movie review: Teens left to battle alien invasion in ‘5th Wave’
–By now there are a few staples every year at the box office. We’re going to get a half dozen superhero movies. We’re going to Full Article
Movie review: ’13 Hours’ unlike previous Michael Bay films
–When you see a movie is directed by Michael Bay, it usually conjures a certain kind of movie. He is the director of “Armageddon,” Full Article
Update: Tamale festival relocated to Pavilion on the Lake
Update posted Jan 21 –The first ever Atascadero Tamale Festival will now be held at the Pavilion on the Lake, next to the Charles Paddock Full Article
Leann Rimes to headline Valentine’s Day benefit concert
Concert will benefit local youth –The Rotary Club of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa will host LeAnn Rimes for their annual benefit concert on Saturday, Full Article
Movie review: ‘The Revenant’ a tale of survival and revenge
–There’s been a long history in cinema of stories about survival against all odds. Usually these films find the protagonist injured, isolated and likely to Full Article
‘Star Wars’ is back with ‘The Force Awakens’
–I was just a little boy when “Return of the Jedi” was released in theaters, so for most of my childhood, “Star Wars” to me Full Article
Movie review: ‘Krampus’ puts the spirit of the holidays into perspective
–Christmas can be stressful. It shouldn’t be, but it is. There’s shopping, planning, preparing and the sometimes stressful time spent with families. Plenty of movies Full Article
North County Dance to present The Nutcracker this weekend
General admission performances are Saturday, Dec. 12 and Sunday, Dec. 13 –The North County Dance and Performing Arts Foundation’s production of The Nutcracker ballet will hit Full Article
New local music app launches
App launched this weekend with Party at Tooth and Nail Winery –Central Coast Live!, a new internet radio station and application, was launched to the Full Article