Carbajal calls for impeachment inquiry

Representative Salud Carbajal.
–Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) released the following statement voicing support for an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump:
“In the past few years, our nation has seen and heard things from this president that have no place in our democracy. We have seen Donald Trump and his allies invite meddling into our elections, we have watched our nation’s moral fabric rip apart and—most importantly—we have learned that our nation’s commander in chief evaded truth, encouraged his staff to lie repeatedly to investigators and engaged in obstruction on at least ten occasions.
“That’s criminal. If anyone else did these things, they would face legal consequences. I’ve read the full Mueller Report, the president knew the rules and he broke them—he cannot be above the law. That is why I believe it is time to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.
“I believe strongly in bipartisanship. My time in public service—from the Marines to local government to representing the Central Coast in Congress—has been built on the ideal that we can get more done if we work together than we ever could alone. I have worked with my colleagues across the aisle to improve our infrastructure, healthcare, environment and more—this will not change. The question of impeachment goes beyond party. It is about defending our democracy and our Constitution, the bedrock of our nation’s values.
“We cannot ignore this president’s actions, and we cannot let him off the hook because of his title. I was elected to support and defend our Constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic. That is what I will continue to do.”
Rep. Salud Carbajal represents California’s 24th congressional district, encompassing Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and part of Ventura County. He is a Marine Corps veteran and naturalized American citizen, who sits on the House Armed Services Committee, Agriculture Committee and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
Background on Mueller Report findings: (as submitted by the Salud Carbajal office)
- The Mueller Report produced 37 criminal indictments from Mueller and 7 guilty pleas or convictions, including Donald Trump’s former national security adviser (Michael Flynn), his personal lawyer (Michael Cohen), his campaign chairman (Paul Manafort) and his deputy campaign chairman (Rick Gates).
- The Mueller Report found 100+ secret meetings or electronic communications between the Trump campaign, Russia and Wikileaks.
- The Mueller Report outlined at least 10 instances where Donald Trump sought to personally interfere in Mueller’s investigation.
- The Mueller Report found that Donald Trump ordered White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Special Counsel Mueller. McGahn refused, and then Trump ordered McGahn to create a false record about the firing request.
- The Mueller Report found that Donald Trump personally helped write a false statement for his son, Don Jr., to give to the public regarding the Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives.
- The Mueller Report concluded Donald Trump actively discouraged his senior aides charged with crimes from cooperating with federal investigators by suggesting possible pardons