Candidates campaign at Republican Headquarters

Candidate Dr. Brad Allen talks to attendees.
Two candidates speak at headquarters in Atascadero Wednesday afternoon
– Two Republican Congressional Candidates campaigned at the San Luis Obispo County Republican Headquarters in Atascadero Wednesday afternoon.
Jeff Gorman of Salinas is running for Congress in the 19th Congressional District. He’s running against Congressman Jimmy Panetta, who is an incumbent, but in a slightly different district before the recent realignment of congressional districts.
Dr. Brad Allen is a Pediatric Cardiologist from Santa Barbara County. He is running for Congress in the 24th District against Congressman Salud Carbajal. Allen is married to Jaclyn Smith, the actress and former Charlie’s Angel.
Gorman outlined a program called “Contract to Restore California.” He says it fits in nicely with Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s “Commitment to America.” The plan addresses inflation and challenges facing small business operations in light of increased government restrictions. He says it supports efforts to “back the blue,” pump domestic energy, and secure the border.
Dr. Allen talked about his career correcting people’s health issues, and how he solves problems. Dr. Allen says he and Gorman differ from professional politicians like Congressmen Jimmy Panetta and Salud Carbajal. “We have careers outside of politics.”
With the new redistricting, Salud Carbajal’s 24th Congressional District moves to the south, out of most of the North County. Most of the North County will fall into the new 19th Congressional District. That’s the seat for which Jeff Gorman and Jimmy Panetta are running. It includes the North County and goes north up the Monterey County coastline. It includes parts of South San Jose.