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Bow Ties bluegrass band to play benefit concert for the homeless 

the bow ties homelessness benefit concert atascadero–Bow Ties bluegrass band will be playing a benefit concert at Atascadero Pavilion on the Lake on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 6:30-10:30 p.m. All the profits from this concert will be going directly to Transitional Food and Shelter Services of North County which includes the Atascadero Warming Center. Come and enjoy live foot-stomping bluegrass country dancing music, excellent fine wine available for purchase, scrumptious desserts, silent auction and raffles–while helping raise money needed for the Atascadero Warming Center. Enjoy the beautiful Pavilion on the Lake located at 9315 Pismo Avenue, Atascadero. Tickets: $30 per person. Go online at or call (805)441-4897 for tickets. There will be a 5:30 p.m. pre concert meet and greet the Bow Ties with Hors d’oeuvres, music & wine for an additional $20 per person.

About Transitional Food And Shelter
In North County Communities, there are over 700 of the most vulnerable Homeless men, women and families with young children ranging from babies and ages up to 12th grade high schoolers. Overwhelmed by homelessness, hunger, lack of clothing, physical illness, mental illness, PTSD, injury, disabilities and unemployment, they have nowhere to go. When our weather turns colder, and rain soon begins to fall, these Homeless will spend their nights wet, cold and hungry. Food, hygiene and a safe place to sleep are absent from their lives.

Transitional Food & Shelter (TFS) serves the most vulnerable 80-percent of the homeless thru two programs:

• The Medically Fragile Homeless program (MFH) helps the fully disabled Homeless who have no resources, can’t care for themselves and have nowhere to go. MFH provides 24/7, food, shelter and services, placing them in tiny houses, provides food and helps direct their medical care. MFH operates County-wide

• The Atascadero Warming Center (AWC) program serves the largest segment of the Homeless. During winter AWC provides food and a place to sleep in warm, dry, and safe overnight shelter from 7 p.m. till 7 a.m. when the temperature is less than 45-degrees or the forecast for rain is greater than 50-percent. In 207-2018 AWC provided over 3,737 shelter nights, served 8,023 meals in 101 nights it was open to the most vulnerable, the largest segment of the Homeless in the North County.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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