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Blues, Jazz, & Jewish Soul coming to Atascadero Lake Park 

Atascadero Lake Park.

Atascadero Lake Park.

–Jewish Community Center Federation and Congregation Ohr Tzafon have announced that they are hosting their first ever free family concert in Atascadero Lake Park Sunday, Oct. 14 from 12-4 p.m. The concert features the popular blues and bluegrass band, Dirty Cello, who will also mix in some traditional beats to express some Jewish soul.

Dirty Cello brings the world a high energy and unique spin on blues and bluegrass. Led by vivacious cross-over cellist, Rebecca Roudman, Dirty Cello is cello like you’ve never heard before. From down-home blues with a wailing cello to virtuosic stompin’ bluegrass, Dirty Cello is a band that gets your heart thumping and your toes tapping.

The free concert begins at 1:30 p.m. In addition to the music, the afternoon will feature an Animal Close Encounter from Charles Paddock Zoo and a face painting booth. There is also a new playground at Atascadero Lake Park to enjoy.

Bring blankets, chairs, and a picnic. Food and beverages will also be available for purchase from Zen Dogs, Central Coast Cafe, and Doc Burnstein’s Ice Cream.

This is a family-friendly event, where you can celebrate a beautiful October afternoon in the park and connect to our area Jewish community.

The event is a collaboration between the Jewish Community Center-Federation of San Luis Obispo and Atascadero’s Congregation Ohr Tzafon. It is made possible by the organizations’ generous members and sponsors with the intent of celebrating diverse traditions in SLO County.

For more information visit the JCC-Federation website at or call (805)426-5465, or the Congregation Ohr Tzafon website at

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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