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Blake Shelton ‘Wins’ the Mid-State Fair 


Shelton performed for single-largest crowd to ever see a show in the grandstand arena

–The California Mid-State Fair is known nationwide for having a star-studded entertainment lineup each year. And with the likes of Duran Duran, Fergie, Don Henley and Tim McGraw, this year is no different. But at the sold-out Blake Shelton show Saturday night, things took an interesting turn.

Early in his performance, Shelton told the audience that he had seen a promotional poster backstage before the show, a poster that displayed the photos of the entire 2016 entertainment line-up. In true charismatic Shelton-fashion he said, “Y’all got some pretty big names, but I want to be the biggest. I want to win!” With the crowd in the palm of his hand the entire show, Shelton kept referring back to wanting to “win” the 2016 California Mid-State Fair, and the crowd kept responding with thunderous cheers and applause.

The reality is, he did just that:

-His sold-out show of 14,875 people was the single-largest crowd to ever see a show in the Main Grandstand Arena.
-326 kegs of beer were consumed last night, a single-day record.
-Albertsons delivered three full trucks of product to their Frontier Town General Store, a single day record.
-Conductor Ken took 643 passengers on his Fair Trolley, the most of any day ever.
-Cindy Hawkes from Albertsons had standing-room only cake demonstrations all afternoon.
-The crowd in the carnival was so large, carnival officials requested that the fair stay open an extra hour, until 1 a.m.
-The KJUG Barn Dance at Jimmy’s featured a wedding proposal. (She said yes!)
-As might be expected, all of the festivities led to the single-largest trash haul-away day in the history of the Mid-State Fair, seven yards.

Shelton is used to “winning” these days, as “Team Blake,” has the most wins of any team on NBC’s hit TV show “The Voice,” having won four of the ten seasons.

The 2016 California Mid-State Fair runs July 20 through July 31. This year’s theme is “The Adventure Continues…”

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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