Backyard burning season opens
Burn season typically runs through April
– Due to recent rainfall and vegetation moisture levels backyard burning permits will be authorized effective as of Monday. The burn season which typically runs through the end of April, affects the burning for residential yard trimming in backyards and agricultural wastes. Open burn season will close when local fire agencies see an increasing risk of wildfires from drying brush and grass.
All burning requires a permit from San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District, which is highly encouraging those that have held burn permits within the last two years to renew this season online. If you do not have access to a computer or their website, call (805) 781-5912. Please be advised that due to the upcoming holiday, burn permit issuance may take longer than 3-5 business day processing time.
The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District website has the most current information visit
To qualify for a backyard burn permit you must occupy a single-family or duplex residence outside of cities and URL/VRL areas, for more information click here:
Agricultural burning may only be conducted by agricultural operations that derive income from the growing of crops or the raising of animals or, vegetation, forest, or range management. For more information click here:
Note: Open burning has risks associated with benefits. Please understand the rules and regulations before applying for a permit. The smoke and air pollution that is created can be harmful to public health. Residents must exercise extreme caution when conducting burning operations. Burning during windy or unsafe conditions frequently results in escaped fires. Misdemeanor citations and/or bills for suppression costs can be issued in such circumstances. Residents are urged to seek alternatives to burning, such as green-waste disposal, chipping, and composting.
For more information about open burning and to apply for burn permits in San Luis Obispo County, visit or contact the air district’s compliance division at (805) 781-5912.
For burn day status call 1-800-834-2876 or view it daily on the top of the website homepage at