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Atascadero Senior Center seeks support from community 

Atascadero Senior Center

The Atascadero Senior Center. Photo by John Crippen.

Both funds and volunteers are desperately needed

– The Atascadero Senior Center, which is operated by the non-profit organization Senior Citizens United, is seeking support from the local community to continue offering its services to the city’s senior population.

The organization is in dire need of funds to make short-term repairs to the center’s building and volunteers for long-term sustainability alongside funds.

“We’re here, we’re open, we provide all these services to the seniors and we need funding,” said the president of the organization, Carey Rogers.

Nearly half a century ago in 1974, several senior citizens in Atascadero united to create a center to aid the community’s seniors. However, unlike many similar centers elsewhere, the local City of Atascadero government was not involved and provides no financial support.

Services offered by the organization at the senior-friendly center include information on resources for seniors, assistive equipment loans, a variety of volunteer-run activities and a partnership with the Meals That Connect Program that offers affordable meals for seniors either via delivery or at the building. Activities include Tai Chi, crafts, movie matinees and much more.

The organization lost a lot of members and some volunteers when it closed down during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We’re having to almost rebuild from scratch,” said the office manager John Crippen. Without volunteers to lead many of the center’s former programs, there have been various cancellations on plans including a rummage sale fundraiser event.

Grants are a possibility for long-term sustainability, however the organization currently lacks any volunteers with grant-writing knowledge. “We need people to be involved, to care,” said Rogers.

The organization recently sent out a flyer as a part of an active fundraising drive and is open to donations at any time, although only checks are currently accepted.

For more information, visit the center’s Facebook page, call 805-466-4674 or visit at 5905 East Mall next to the Sunken Gardens.

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