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Atascadero Printery celebrates milestones at annual meeting, founders’ reception 

Atascadero Printery

The Historic 1915 Printery Building in Atascadero

The Printery Foundation reached its goal of securing 100 founders

– The Atascadero Printery Foundation (APF) hosted its annual meeting and founders’ reception on Sunday, Nov. 14, at The Groves on 41. This event celebrated several major milestones for the printery. The foundation reached its goal of securing 100 founders, which are donors who contributed $1,000 or more. Twenty-five newest founders were recognized with certificates at the event. All founders will be acknowledged in a special recognition wall at the printery commemorating their support and belief in the idea of restoring the historic printery building into an arts and event center for the community.

Over the last six years, the APF board has worked to make their idea become a reality with the support of community partners like California Questers, Atascadero Performing Arts Center Committee, and the Atascadero Community Band.

Karen McNamara and other APF Board members presented an update on this year’s work including removal of the outdoor skate ramp, the removal of the front doors and transoms for renovation, and the submittal of retrofit plans to the city for permits. Independent cost estimates for the retrofit project including a new roof have also been obtained at a total of $1.5 million.

The event kicked off the printery’s campaign to “Remove the Red Tag” from the building so that it is safe to open to the public again. The under reinforced masonry building was damaged in the 2003 San Simeon earthquake.

Fundraising Committee Chair, Vy Pierce, announced a matching gift of $100,000 in memory of Gaylen Little. Little was a long-time Atascadero resident, a self-employed building contractor, and a devoted husband, father and friend. $18,000 has already been received towards this match.

“We are so extremely grateful for this incredible gift and the momentum that it brings to the Restoration of the Printery,” said Board President Karen McNamara. “With the matching funds, we will be able to begin the retrofit, ensuring our piece of history is safe from further damage and allowing us to open the doors to the community.”

The Atascadero Printery Foundation is a grassroots, volunteer-run nonprofit organization dedicated to rehabilitating the printery into a community center with a performing arts center, museum, and community space. Visit to learn the latest information and make a tax deductible donation to help secure the $100,000 matching gift.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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