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Atascadero man injured in house fire 

Fire department contained fire within 20 minutesAFD_logo_on_white

–The Atascadero Fire Department responded to and extinguished a house fire that broke out on Wednesday night at 10:02 p.m. at 5460 Bajada in Atascadero. One inhabitant of the property sustained second and third degree burns to 20-percent of his body and was transported to Twin Cities Community Hospital, according to the fire department.

First arriving engines found a three story, split level single family residence with heavy fire and smoke coming from a bedroom. Fire crews attacked the fire from the exterior to control the spread and reduce the heat so firefighters could make entry into the residence. Fire crews confirmed with occupants that all family members had safely exited the building. The fire was quickly extinguished before it could spread throughout the main structure. 17 firefighters responded, and the fire was contained within 20 minutes.

Fire crews found one of the occupants had suffered second and third degree burns to 20-percent of his body. Fire medics treated the patient and continued care with the ambulance to Twin Cities Community Hospital.

The fire appears to have originated in the bedroom. The cause is still under investigation.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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