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Atascadero Lake stocked with fresh trout for the catching 

Atascadero Lake stocked with rainbow trout

–The week before Christmas, the community got an early gift at a local fishing spot.

“Fish and Wildlife planted between 700-1000 sterile trout into Atascadero Lake,” says Nancy Hair with the Friends of the Atascadero Lake. “This is the third fish plant this year. Fish and Wildlife want to increase fishing opportunities for families here in San Luis Obispo County.”

The limit on catching fish is five per person and a fishing license is required for those over 16 years old. Atascadero Lake is a 30-acre reservoir located at Atascadero Lake Park, 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife advises, “Trout fishing can be a safe outdoor activity that maintains physical distancing from others as we work to minimize transmission of COVID-19. Anglers must make sure to stay six feet from anyone not in their same household, wear a face mask, wash hands with soap and water whenever possible, follow all fishing regulations, and stay safe.”

Fish and Wildlife is currently in the process of drafting guidelines for trout management. Three projects make up this effort:

  • Strategic Plan for Trout Management
  • Strategic Plan for Trout Hatcheries
  • Inland Trout Angling Regulations Simplification


“We need engagement from the public to make these projects successful,” Fish and Wildlife says. “You can help by reviewing draft plans and regulation changes as they become available. By providing feedback on these efforts, you help ensure that we are drafting plans and regulations to meet your needs while providing for the protection and enhancement of trout resources.”

Inland Trout Angling Regulation Simplification Proposed Regulations

Atascadero Lake at 9305 Pismo Ave., Atascadero, CA.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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