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Atascadero City Council talks cannabis and construction 

construction continues at the Atascadero Zoo, although the zoo itself is closed.

Construction continues at the Atascadero Zoo, although the zoo itself is closed.

–For three hours Tuesday night, the Atascadero City Council discussed issues related to cannabis- cultivation, manufacturing, retail sales- all aspects of the cannabis industry. The intent was to give staff direction on developing an ordinance regulating cannabis in the City of Atascadero.

Mayor Heather Moreno cautioned council members about cultivation. She said she lived in Denver and the odor was apparent for miles away from fields of marijuana.

Susan Funk spoke up for manufacturing. She said it could be a productive cottage industry for Atascadero, particularly if the manufacturers refrain from using explosive chemicals. After several hours of discussion, Atascadero City Manager Rachelle Rickard summarized the council’s input and said she and the planning staff will develop an ordinance based on their input. She’ll bring that proposed ordinance back to the council in a few weeks.

The council received an update from Mayor Moreno and City Manager Rachelle Rickard on Coronavirus and the government-imposed shutdown. Mayor Moreno said Tuesday night that the county put together a good plan for reopening, but the governor did not approve it.

The council also heard about building projects in the city, including the La Panza Shopping Center which is being built in downtown between the 101 freeway and El Camino Real. In the last week, contractors poured concrete for new construction and put a tower on a new building at the south end of the property. Construction also continues at the Atascadero Zoo, although the zoo itself is closed.

The council also heard about building projects in the city, including the La Panza Shopping Center which is being built in downtown between the 101 freeway and El Camino Real.

The council also heard about building projects in the city, including the La Panza Shopping Center which is being built in downtown between the 101 freeway and El Camino Real.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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