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Atascadero arrest reports for Aug. 9 to 15 

Atascadero Arrest Records

Weekly arrest logs from the Atascadero Police Department

  • On Aug. 9, Patrick Edward Bell, 37, of Atascadero, was arrested at the intersection of Via Ave. and Traffic Way for possession of unlawful paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substance, driving while license suspended/revoked, failure to stop at a stop sign/railroad crossing and a bench warrant/failure to appear on a misdemeanor charge.
  • On Aug. 9, Larry Matthew Wright 43, of Atascadero, was arrested at the intersection of El Camino Real and Huerto Lane for driving while license suspended/revoked for driving under the influence, driving under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol percent of .08 or higher, carrying a concealed weapon in vehicle, felon/addict possession of firearm, prohibited person own/possess ammunition and a felony arrest warrant.
  • On Aug. 10, Felipe Partida Moreno, 42, of Paso Robles, was arrested in Atascadero for false identification to specific peace officers, contempt of court violating a protective order and driving under the influence of alcohol with a blood alcohol percent of .08 or higher.
  • On. Aug. 10, Hillery Annscheufele Hurley, 34, transient, was arrested in Atascadero for second degree robbery, failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail and an arrest warrant for misdemeanor and infraction cases.
  • On Aug. 12, Cheyne Eric Orndoff, 35, transient, was arrested at 9305 Pismo Ave. for possession of unlawful paraphernalia.
  • On Aug. 12, Vanessa Marie Bedroni, 33, of San Luis Obispo, was arrested at 9305 Pismo Ave. for possession of unlawful paraphernalia.
  • On Aug. 12, Abigail Elaine Muravez, 23, of Grover Beach, was arrested at 8360 El Camino Real for failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail and possession of a controlled substance.
  • On Aug. 12, Anthony Luis Snell, 32, transient, was arrested at 7305 Morro Road for camping or storing unattended personal property on PRI.
  • On Aug. 12, Abigail Elaine Muravez, 23, of Grover Beach, was arrested at 8320 El Camino Real for failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail.
  • On Aug. 12, Lawrence Neal Williams, 65, of Atascadero, was arrested on 8360 El Camino Real for possession of unlawful paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance.
  • On Aug. 12, Breanna Lynn Barry, 39, of Atascadero, was arrested at 8360 El Camino Real for failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail, possession of a narcotic controlled substance, possession of unlawful paraphernalia, possession of a controlled substance and an arrest warrant for misdemeanor and infraction cases.
  • On Aug. 13, Trevor William Finneran, 35, transient, was arrested at 9200 El Bordo Ave. for use/under the influence of a controlled substance, transient fail 30-day registration update and a violation of parole:felony.
  • On Aug. 14, a 15-year-old minor of Atascadero, was arrested at 8925 Curbaril Road for assault.
  • On Aug. 15, Matthew Jeffrey Morales, 35, of San Luis Obispo, was arrested at 8693 El Camino Real for driving under the influence: alcohol.

The arrest records presented are provided by the Atascadero Police Department. Suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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