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Atascadero arrest records for Sept. 26 to Oct. 2 

Atascadero Arrest Records

Weekly arrest logs from the Atascadero Police Department

  • On Sept. 26, Leticia Alexandra Flores, 31, of Paso Robles, was arrested in Atascadero for grand theft: money/labor/property and failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail.
  • On Sept. 26, Christopher Riley Fields, 34, of Santa Margarita, was arrested at 9522 El Camino Real for failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail.
  • On Sept. 27, Christopher Charles Waller, 53, of San Luis Obispo, was arrested in Atascadero for a warrant: FTA vehicle code violation, driving while license suspended/etcetera for driving under the influence and possession of controlled substances without a prescription.
  • On Sept. 27, Mickey John Zepeda, 65, of Atascadero, was arrested at the intersection of Santa Ysabel Ave. and Morro Road for possession of a stolen vehicle/vessel/etcetera and vehicle/etcetera theft with specific priors.
  • On Sept. 28, Sean William Thomas, 21, of Atascadero, was arrested in Atascadero for disorderly conduct: under the influence of drug.
  • On Sept. 30, Justin Allen Meloon, 27, of Paso Robles, was arrested in Atascadero for driving while license suspended/etcetera.
  • On Oct. 1,  Angel Garcia, 31, of California, was arrested at 6200 Atascadero Ave. for disorderly conduct: alcohol.
  • On Oct. 1, Mindy Raquel Fergison, 52, of Lancaster, was arrested at 1800 El Camino Real for inflicting corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant/dating relationship.
  • On Oct. 1, Jaslynn Joy Hedges, 24, transient, was arrested in Atascadero for possession/purchase for sale narcotic/controlled substance, possession of controlled substance for sale, felony committed on bail and prohibited person owning/possessing/etcetera ammunition/etcetera.
  • On Oct. 1, Jessie Anna Colwell, 38, of Atascadero, was arrested at 7655 Morro Road for driving under the influence with a blood alcohol percent of .08 or higher.
  • On Oct. 2, Javier Alexander Perezandrade, 27, transient, was arrested in San Luis Obispo for taking a vehicle without owner’s consent/vehicle theft, hit and run, child abuse with possible great bodily injury or death and evading a peace officer with wanton disregard for safety.

The arrest records presented are provided by the Atascadero Police Department. Suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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