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Atascadero arrest records for July 11 to 17 

Atascadero Arrest Records

Weekly arrest logs from the Atascadero Police Department

  • On July 11, David Anthony Leblanc, 40, transient, was arrested in San Luis Obispo for prohibited person owning/possessing/etcetera ammunition/etcetera and arson: property.
  • On July 12, Juvenal Escarcega, 38, of Atascadero, was arrested at the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Ave. for a misdemeanor and infraction cases arrest warrant.
  • On July 12, Arthur Henry Castellanos, 46, transient, was arrested at the intersection of Santa Ynez Ave. and Navajoa Ave. for illegal camping.
  • On July 12, Monika Lynne Riggs, 51, transient, was arrested at the intersection of Santa Ynez Ave. and Navajoa Ave. for illegal camping.
  • On July 12, Mark Jeffery Wheelin, 57, transient, was arrested at the intersection of Santa Ynez Ave. and Navajoa Ave. for illegal camping.
  • On July 12, Laura Sue Vance, 52, of Atascadero, was arrested at the intersection of Santa Ynez Ave. and Navajoa Ave. for illegal camping.
  • On July 13, Omamh Suheil Hussein, 30, of Atascadero, was arrested in Atascadero for inflicting corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant/dating relationship.
  • On July 13, Tina Lovato, 51, of Arroyo Grande, was arrested in Atascadero for shoplifting and failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail.
  • On July 13, Ben Bert Pattillo, 37, of Atascadero, was arrested in Atascadero for probation violation: re-arrest/revoke.
  • On July 14, Vicky Ann Maddon, 49, of Atascadero, was arrested at Curbaril Ave. off Highway 101 for a misdemeanor and infraction cases arrest warrant.
  • On July 14, Aaron Raymond Moore, 38, of Los Osos, was arrested in Atascadero for taking vehicle without owner’s consent, being an unlicensed driver and failure to appear after PTA and not posting bail.
  • On July 15, Daniel Bartell, 34, of California, was arrested at 6300 Morro Road for being a fugitive from justice: arrest without warrant.
  • On July 15, Jonathan Daniel Willis, 47, transient, was arrested in Atascadero for a bench warrant for failure to appear on a misdemeanor charge, probation violation: re-arrest/revoke and failing to register as transient when released from custody.
  • On July 16, Elizabeth Shanklin, 35, was arrested at 9400 El Camino Real for possession of unlawful paraphernalia, possession of controlled substance, use/under the influence of controlled substance and obstructing/resisting/etcetera public/peace officer or emergency med tech.
  • On July 16, Jeremy Brent Hanson, 45, of Atascadero, was arrested at the intersection of San Jacinto and Palma Ave. for an attempt to prevent/dissuade victim/witness from reporting, driving while license suspended for driving under the influence, false imprisonment with violence, inflicting corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant/dating relationship and driving under the influence with a blood alcohol percent of .08 or higher.
  • On July 16, Bradley Darnell Lee, 60, transient, was arrested at 9100 El Camino Real for a misdemeanor and infraction cases arrest warrant, a FTA vehicle code violation warrant, battery: spouse/ex-spouse/date/etcetera and smuggling controlled substance into jail/prison.
  • On July 17, Ashley Ann Croom, 32, transient, was arrested at 8005 El Camino Real for possession of unlawful paraphernalia and the use/under the influence of controlled substance.
  • On July 17, Corey Allen Willis, 30, transient, was arrested at 6300 Morro Road for possession of unlawful paraphernalia and possession of controlled substance.
  • On July 17, Michael Bruce Gilbert, 56, of Cache, was arrested at 5505 El Camino Real for disorderly conduct: alcohol.
  • On July 17, Derek Duaine Dove, 39, of Cambria, was arrested at the intersection of Curbaril Ave. and Cortez Ave. for a misdemeanor and infraction cases arrest warrant.
  • On July 17, Paul Stephen Manahan, 31, of Atascadero, was arrested at 6125 San Anselmo Road for a FTA vehicle code violation.

The arrest records presented are provided by the Atascadero Police Department. Suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

About the author: News Staff

News staff of the A-Town Daily News wrote and edited this article from local contributors and press releases. Scott Brennan is the publisher of this newspaper and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog. He can be reached at [email protected].

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